You Were Created to Bloom!


Are you stuck?


I am a woman who has been blessed with creative ideas and passion. I’d like to give credit where credit is due and that’s to our Creator God.

I have met so many women who are equally gifted but tend to feel in a “rut” or a holding pattern.

I see so much in them but it’s as if they don’t see it for themselves.

Today, I encourage you to loosen that grip of complacency & stagnancy.

Many of us have “been there”.

What’s the best way to get un-stuck and launched into your next season? Determination, Wisdom & Women (the right women).

Do you remember Daniel in the Bible?

Daniel had 3 friends and they were chosen to be part of the King’s court but had to undergo 3 years of training along with many others competing for the same position.

In the court however, Daniel had a different formula for his success:

  • Determination
  • Wisdom
  • Friends (the right ones).

“But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods.” Daniel 1:8 NLT

During these next 10 days God bestowed unusual wisdom.

“God gave these four young men an unusual aptitude for understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom." Daniel 1:17 NLT

Look around, who is on your team? Are they the right team? These are the women you need when you step out in faith and are who are going to believe in you.

Are you purposed in your heart, so much so that you are willing to sacrifice to hear the wisdom of God?

Are you ready to receive the wisdom for your next season?

-silent sister

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Have you been stabbed in the heart?
Bloom-Talk BLOG


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Friday, 07 February 2025


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